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Showing posts from December 13, 2020


When Unity takes a long time to load Screenshot with the sound effects Hi guys~ For this week's project update, I tried to create my menu scene again but I still have a LOT of problems. At first, I tried to follow the same tutorial from this week's lab work task  and sadly it still did not work even though Shaun advised that I should not use the TextMesh Pro font as we thought it was the one that causes the problem. The tutorial was straightforward, but Unity kept crashing down, and even though I have all of it save during the process, everything that I have done still got deleted. I decided to look for another tutorial for the Main Menu, I found this 5-minute video tutorial . I find it helpful and it is simpler than the first tutorial. Unfortunately, while I'm nearly done making it, Unity crashed again, so I ended up having nothing is done which is very frustrating because I want to make a decent game by the end of this semester and Unity isn't cooperating :(. The only...