Plane Propeller Link For this week's lab work, we are instructed to finish the last lesson of our first Unity tutorial and do the first challenge about Plane Programming. Describe what you have learned from the Lesson 1.4: Step into The Driver's Seat? From the last lesson 1.4 of the car game, I learned how to add speed on the vehicle by using positive and negative input. For example: if you multiply the speed on a positive unit, the Vehicle with move forward if you press the "up" arrow button on your keyboard and it will move backwards if it is multiplied to a negative unit. I also learned how to rotate the vehicle from left to right by following the same formula as the speed. I also have to watch the previous tutorial because some of the obstacle objects are not fixed on the ground and when I play the game, they keep falling even before the Vehicle could touch them. Fortunately, I found out why it kept happening, it was because I forgot to drag the obstacle on the...
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