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Feedback Thoughts

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My blog tonight is all about feedback. Feedback with our thoughts, learning and especially, how we can deal with making mistakes. The first thing that I noticed before reading about the tasks was the huge quote saying this:

"Go and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious ad fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here. Make. Good. Art."

I find it confusing because why? Why does the college encouraged us to make mistakes? Are we not here to study to become perfect and ready for our future? There were so many questions in my head during that time and it all started to become clear when I read the articles. 

I first choose to read the article about Neil Gaiman's speech written by Maria Popova. His speech is about advice in creative life, how he became known being a writer and the choices he had to make to reach his dream. He is also not new to me because I used to read one of his novels when I was in third year doing my Junior Cert Art. The novel is called "Trigger Waning" and it is about hiding behind a mask which was the reason I was attracted to it because my project was about masks and how people hide their true feelings by creating another layer of themselves as a barrier/protection. (You should check out and read it! It is really good. You will not be disappointed!)

Anyways, I am getting far away from the main topic of this blog. What I learned after reading about his article is that we should take risks whether in life or at work. We should not fear taking risks because that is when you can learn from your mistakes. Think of this way, instead of feeling disappointed when you fail, accept your mistakes, think of it as another journey to bigger accomplishments. 

There is another saying that I heard during his speech saying: "If you're not making mistakes, you're not taking enough risks" and it is true. I learned many life lessons because I took risks, even though that time wasn't the best, but it helped me to find my true self and who I want to become. (uhm... Things got serious hereπŸ˜‚). 

I also love everything that Neil Gaiman said in his speech because it gives me a different type of encouragement. I started to accept the failures that I made before and I now understand myself better and I am better prepared to face future mistakes. He was also saying that it is okay to turn down opportunities/projects that you think could take you away from your goals. It means that you have your own standards when it comes to what you want to do, and it is okay.

I was not good when I started making art. I only discovered my "true" skills when I move to Ireland because I was used to get some help from my brother and my cousins back in the Philippines. I became more dependent in myself now that I am alone and luckily, I started to find my own interests and that is Art. I used to copy anime images to draw (yes yes and I thought my drawings were so good. I was proud of it πŸ˜‚) and then I kept challenging myself and here I am doing an art course hahaha. 

"Make your art, tell your story, find your voice, even if you begin copying others"

The last article that I read is called "Seven Ways To Crush Self-Doubt In Creative Work" by John Spencer. His article is brilliant because it makes me understand my self-doubt and gives realistic advices. Every time I get new projects, I always feel nervous and start doubting and questioning myself if I can do it knowing that there are other students that are better than me. Then I end up having difficulties in starting my work. 

Here are the seven ways to crush your self-doubt:

  1. Don't compare yourself to others.
  2. Abandon perfectionism.
  3. Be vulnerable to a trusted community.
  4. Embrace a growth mindset.
  5. Set goals that are within your control
  6. Treat your work like an experiment.
  7. Trust yourself.

However, I started to learn that everyone is different, that there will be a time I will improve. I still have self-doubt from time to time but I started to accept and live with it. There are also some good people around me that I can trust and they always encourage me to do my best in everything without any judgement but full of advice. 

I have also learn to trust my capacities more as the time passes by for I do not have to be good at everything like others. I need to trust the process, stop hesitating and take risk!

"Self-doubt is a part of doing something really difficult that you care about deeply"


Lee Dong Wook and Gong Yoo gif hihihiπŸ’–πŸ˜

 I hope you guys love this blog like I do!
Thank you for reading this far. I appreciate it!


  1. Neil Gaiman's Speech about Creative Life by Maria Popova. (Link to an external site)
  2. "Seven Ways To Crush Self-Doubt In Creative Work" by John Spencer. (Link to an external site)


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