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Game Idea Research

Maze Inspiration

Last week, I started to collect some game ideas and talk about what we like about them. However this week, we have to choose on out of all the game ideas we picked. The game that I decided to do is similar to "Roller Splat!" but in 3D instead because that is the type of game we are learning in Unity. I think that it will be helpful as I can utilize the skills that I learned from the tutorials to my project instead of studying another type of game. I will have more time to develop my game better if I stick to 3D style as well.

Choosing this type of game is also a good starter, especially for people who want to make a game for the first time like me. My game will also be played in a first person point of view means that the camera of will be placed at the back following the ball inside the maze.

While doing my secondary research, I find countless of game tutorials on YouTube that are related to the idea I am going for. Most of them are also made in Unity which is really good because it will be handy for me and I don't have to waste my time looking up unfamiliar tools or coding for my game. They are also not difficult to follow which makes me feel relieve that I make the right choice picking this game.



Similar to my idea

The obstacle of my game will be focusing on how long you will able to finish the maze. If you finish the game quickly then you won the game and I am also thinking that it will be 2 players competing the game to make the game more fun. However, I will make the game complicated by adding few blocked passages so the player  will have to find the right way under a short period of time. I am also going to adjust the height of the walls and maybe narrow the spaces of the maze passage so it will going to add more difficulty completing the game quickly.

 There might be also two types of game mode, the first mode will have a map that they can use to locate the exit and find where they are inside the maze. The second mode will be played without the map to create more thrill and satisfaction of completing the game.

Collecting coins and hidden Treasures


Adding collectable coins inside the maze will also give the player satisfaction and they could use it to buy new ball items. I might also add hidden treasures scattered around the maze and it could be a new item or coins. I might also put a bigger coin at the exit of the maze so they player would feel more accomplished. 

2 Players

1 Vs 1

I want my game to be played by 2 players against each other to have a competitive feel. I have two choices on how to deliver this: 

I can let them play at the same time with the same maze layout and it will show both of them play on the screen,

I can let player 1 start the game first  and when he/she finish, the second player will then play. Then after they finish completing the game, the time they spent completing the game will appear on the screen and who have the shorter time spent then he/she will win and receive the coins they collected during the game.

These are the ideas that I made for this week and I might change them next time depending on how much time I will have. I also think that I will have to do more research about the rules of the game but I am happy what I have so far.

Here are the links of YouTube tutorials that might help me to create my future game:


  1. Hi, Flosie!
    It´s such a good idea to put two players and add a few locked passages, I was like "woow!" hahahah BTW, I love the idea of two play modes (with and without a map). I must add that the shortest time running proposal is very good, every time I play a game like this I get all nervous trying to get the shortest time possible.
    COINS COINS COINS GIVE ME COINS *-* let me tell you that I have recently downloaded Temple Run (nostalgic!) on my phone and I don´t care how may times I die if I get coins (so that I can spend them all hihihi).
    What if for your maze you add an option to make the player reduce size for when you narrow the spaces of the maze passage (althoguh I don´t know if it would be viable (^_^;) ).
    Best of luck with your game, looking forward to play it!!
    Lívia Alencar

  2. Hi Flosie! Just like Livia mentioned before me, I completely agree the player vs player mechanic does make the game competitive and very rewarding in the end. It adds to the hype and if you manage to pull it off I think you’ll be the first person I know so far to do a 2 player game ( ; The game mode with and without a map is interesting and adds that extra layer of difficulty. I think the ball items is good idea and adds an aesthetic element for customization (Dunno, if it’s exactly what you had in mind, but I’m picturing colored marbles right now :P). I understand the idea of treasure giving players that extra bigger sense of accomplishment. I’m wondering what do they get from the treasure? What if they give ‘buffs’ like speed boost or extra time, maybe even a short bounce option might make things more interesting. I enjoyed reading about your ideas. Wish you luck with the game!

  3. Hi Flosie. Your game idea is so interesting, I really like it. I think making it two player is a very different spin to add to it and make it stand out from other games. I think the map/no map idea would be so cool if it can be done and would encourage people to come back and play again and again. Are you going to offer a single player option too? Or could a single player play against the computer? I also think it would be cool if time was taken away if the ball ended up in a locked passage. It would definitely make it more intense. The game is really interesting though and I think the details that you have added takes it from a basic game like snake to something really interesting and I could definitely see being an app game! Best of luck, hope it works out for you!

  4. Hi Flosie, I really like your game idea, it sounds really fun to play. I like how it is a game that anyone could play and I think that making it a two player game will make it much better and add some competition for the players. Are there any colour themes or themes in general that you would like to add to each maze? For example make each maze a different colour. Is the maze going to be more difficult as you carry on? Apart from a blocked passage are you going to put any traps or obstacles in the path? Maybe you could use the Unity tutorials 5 from week 6 and put an obstacle for the player to jump. I think it would be really cool if you could set up black hole that if the player doesn’t jump over them they fall down and loose the end. Have a think about that, I hope it helps and goodluck with your game.

  5. Hi Flosie I really enjoyed reading this blog on your game idea, it seems very interesting and I would love to give it a go once it is made. Just wondering on the players do you think you're going to go with one player and perhaps a second could join in the middle of the game? A suggestion is when the player goes into a certain part of the game the screen turns dark and the player had to remember how to get out of that part?. I like the idea of the two different modes as everyone loves a challenge when playing a game. However having the option of being able to put the map back on is a good idea to help people when they are stuck. Is there any backgound sound? The game is really engaging and the links you added are really helpful for when I have to make my game ! I can imagine myself playing this game and not being able to stop playing it. I hope it works out for you

  6. Hi Flosie

    I have to say I like the idea, i'm doing a maze game but mine is more about navigation then a traditional maze. Also I have to ask will there be any kind of story in this or will it just be a ball in a maze.
    As for two player I have to say I like the second option , where who ever gets out of the maze in the least amount of time better then the first .

  7. Hey Flosie! Just read through your Game Brainstorm and Game Idea Research blog posts and think you definitely made the right choice! I love how much detail you put into the game and think it's a fantastic idea having it player vs player, it makes it so much more competitive. I was wondering if there would be any sound in the game? I think it could make it even more tense for players if at a certain point a timer started ticking letting the players know their time is nearly up! I can't wait to see how your game develops even more and hope it goes well for you.

  8. Hi Flosie,
    I really like your initial game idea. I think that it's simple enough that it will be doable for the module and that you will be able to use a lot of the things that we are learning in the Unity tutorials in your game but it's also open enough that you can make it more complex or add to it if you want to or need to if you have time.
    How are you going to make the mazes? Are there going to be multiple levels? Are you going to design them yourself or are you going to maybe borrow assets? Have you considered maybe trying to use a randomizer/generator for creating the levels? maybe that's too advanced for us right now.
    If you're adding a two player mode maybe make the final score a mixture of both time and coins collected? That way players have a choice of whether to try finish it quickly or to look for coins to win or both?


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