Animation Gif 1. What assignments are you most intrigued by? The first assignment that I am intrigued about is the Reading, because every task will have different contents that could change your perspectives about certain things. It could be a way to help me challenge myself more and see how far I go with my writing capability. I am also hoping that the reading topics are interesting. I'm also curious about Unity3D and I am excited to create my first game. Hopefully, the tutorials are straightforward and easy to understand so I won't have any problem doing the lab tasks during this semester. 2. Is there any extra credit options that grab your attention? I like all the extra credit options because each of them has different content that could improve us, students, in many ways. For example, Tech-tasks makes you learn different kinds of web-based useful tools that could improve your technological skills. It can also make your blogs and posts more attractive to your readers. I thi...
Blog posts about: Reading Assignments and Game Project Progress