Controller picture For this week's reading tasks, I have to collect more research about my topic. I needed to have at least 6-7 more articles to read. I find these tasks very challenging as I could spend reading one article for more than an hour because I have to check some of the words' meaning to help me understand. I spent the whole weekend researching my topic and I did not have any trouble finding useful articles because I learned a few keywords from last week's reading task. I also realized that we can access few libraries by signing up with our student account and this really helped me to access several useful articles. I added the links of the articles on my word document to help me find them in case I deleted them by accident. To secure the research I have collected more, I also added the documents on my RefWorks account. This also helped me to check the documents I have read and created a bibliography quicker. It also took me more time to write my annotated bibl...
Blog posts about: Reading Assignments and Game Project Progress