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Reading 05 : Tips for doing research

  Pictures of some of the Articles I have completed reading For this week's reading task, I am glad that I was already doing the techniques that were instructed for us to do. I was very delighted as I was already highlighting important things before as I read the essential articles that I have collected from last week. This was the reason why I was behind with work because it is taking me a while to read an article as I was taking notes while I go through the article to help me save time when I started to write my annotated bibliographies. I also found out that I can insert the PDFs to the Notes application on my tablet therefore it made it easier for me to work and read the articles even though I am not working on my table. During this week, I tried my best to read the rest of the articles I have found and started writing my annotated bibliographies in a more detailed version and make sure that the articles must but useful to my topic. Coding the articles to take notes is very hel...

Reading 04 Analysis

  Controller picture For this week's reading tasks, I have to collect more research about my topic. I needed to have at least 6-7 more articles to read. I find these tasks very challenging as I could spend reading one article for more than an hour because I have to check some of the words' meaning to help me understand. I spent the whole weekend researching my topic and I did not have any trouble finding useful articles because I learned a few keywords from last week's reading task. I also realized that we can access few libraries by signing up with our student account and this really helped me to access several useful articles. I added the links of the articles on my word document to help me find them in case I deleted them by accident. To secure the research I have collected more, I also added the documents on my RefWorks account. This also helped me to check the documents I have read and created a bibliography quicker. It also took me more time to write my annotated bibl...

Unity Tutorial 03

  A screenshot of my work showing the collectibles not working. A screenshot of my work having another error. I was having trouble completing the tutorial for this week's Unity Tutorial. I encountered several errors along the way and I was not sure why because my coding was working perfectly fine last week. I also tried to redo the tutorial but I still could not pinpoint what was the problem. It was very bothersome for me as well trying to find out what was the problem. I was thinking that it has something to do about the tilemaps but I couldn't figure it out still :(. Unfortunately, the only thing that worked for me was being able to make my player work again and I ended up not having the collectibles to work at all. Therefore, I decided to try again this week, and hopefully, it will get better! I apologize for having a short blog this week. I will try my best to try again this week!

Tech Tip: Twitter Widget

  Screenshot of my blog showing my Twitter Widget. Hi guys, welcome back to my blog! For this week, (4th week Twitter task) I decided to redo my widget on my blog account since I changed my theme, why not change it as well? Right? Hahaha. I used my personal Twitter account as that is where I post my Unity tutorials and reading updates as well. The Tech Tip instructions are very easy to follow and you guys should check it out! :)

Reading 03

                                             Reflection An image of the notes I wrote while reading the Articles. Hi everyone! For this week's reading task, we were instructed to set up our research about the topic we chose for our Writing project. We will also have to create annotated bibliographies for the first three articles, books, or documents that we have discovered as well as writing a short summary. At first, I found it challenging to start doing my research as I do not have enough effective keywords that I could use. Therefore, I only found few books that I thought would be useful for my chosen topic.  Before starting this project, I was confident that I had enough knowledge about the Hierarchy of challenges in gameplay. However, I was wrong as this topic is very broad and it was difficult for me to find the specific articles and documents...

Unity Tutorial 02

Unity Tutorial 02 screenshot of my work. For this week's Unity Tutorial, we must complete two things such as decorating the world of our 2D games using the tiles that we converted into sprites. I had fun decorating my game and I really took time to place the objects where I think it looks good. I think it is good that we can design our game as we can add as many things as we can. I also learned how to add a physics system to our player controller therefore it does not fall when I play the game. I was also thought about how to adjust the box collider in the 2D version and it does not really have a difference between the 3D versions. Problem: While I was doing the tutorial, I was distracted by the heading of the "Ruby Controller" as the first letter was not in a capital letter. I decided to rename and when I added new codes onto the player, it was not working anymore, and I was having trouble looking for the error. I tried again the next day and it still did not work as I h...

Tech Tip: Blogger Template

  A screenshot of my new blog template! Hi guys! I decided to change my blogger template as it is a new semester. (New semester, new template hahaha) I really like this theme because the orange background colour stands out from the dark theme of this template. I also change the font colour on the Title header, and the colour of the link when it hovers. I hope you like as much as I do!