Hi everyone! It's been a while since my last post here and I kinda miss writing blogs. This is the first week we that came back to college (online) and for this module, we are 90% done with our writing project which is great! Today we have to add images, referencing the bibliographies we have used, and also reviewing our work again to make sure that they are good. It did not take me a long time to complete the tasks as I have copies of references for the articles I have used. Adding an author bio was a bit hard since I do not really know how detail we have to be but everything went well and I can't wait till college is over so I will be free!
A Let's play image from Pinterest. Hi everyone! This week's task is not as difficult to compare to the last few weeks as we only have to provide some feedback on other students' work. One thing that I found interesting is that we were given different people to give feedback on and I think that it is a good idea as we can read other people's work and can learn something from them as well. When it was my turn to give feedback, I tried not to be as helpful as I can without sounding too mean because all I want is to also help them improve their work while they are doing the same thing to me. I was also able to learn some writing techniques from other students. The feedback that I received was also very helpful and straightforward. I am also happy that there was not many changes that I had to do on my work and only added some few sentences to improve my work. I hope that I was able to give a helpful feedback to fellow students and improve their own work.